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What dart game do you hit every number 3 times?

What Dart Game Requires You to Hit Every Number 3 Times?

Various dart games test players’ skills in unique ways, focusing on accuracy, strategy, and mental fortitude. One such game that challenges players to hit every number on the dartboard three times is called “Around the Clock.”

Around the Clock: Rules and Objectives

Around the Clock, also known as “Around the World,” is a classic darts game that tests a player’s accuracy and consistency. The objective of the game is to hit each number on the dartboard, in sequential order, three times. Here are the basic rules:

  1. Each player takes turns throwing three darts per round.
  2. Players must hit the numbers 1 through 20 in order.
  3. Players must hit each number three times before moving on to the next number.
  4. Doubles and triples count as two and three hits, respectively.
  5. The first player to hit all numbers three times and then hit the bullseye wins the game.

Strategies and Tips for Around the Clock Success

While Around the Clock is a straightforward game, it can be challenging for players to maintain accuracy and consistency throughout the match. Here are some tips and strategies to help you succeed in this game:

1. Focus on Accuracy

Success in Around the Clock relies heavily on your ability to accurately hit each number on the dartboard. Spend time practicing your aim and developing a consistent throw to improve your accuracy.

2. Pace Yourself

It’s important to maintain focus and avoid rushing through your throws. Take your time and concentrate on each throw, ensuring that you’re mentally prepared for each shot.

3. Stay Calm Under Pressure

As the game progresses, you may find yourself under increasing pressure, especially when competing against skilled opponents. Practice relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing and visualization, to help you stay calm and focused.

4. Adapt Your Strategy

Depending on your skill level and comfort with different sections of the dartboard, you may find it helpful to adjust your strategy as the game progresses. For example, if you struggle with hitting low numbers, consider aiming for the double or triple segments to minimize the number of throws needed to complete those sections.


Around the Clock is an engaging and challenging dart game that requires players to hit every number on the dartboard three times. By focusing on accuracy, pacing yourself, staying calm under pressure, and adapting your strategy, you can improve your performance and increase your chances of success in this classic darts game.

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