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How to Score Darts Accurately: Expert Rules, Tips, and Techniques

Welcome to the ultimate guide to scoring in darts—a topic that confounds many players, from novices to semi-professionals. Understanding how to score correctly is just as essential as mastering your throw. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover the key rules for scoring in popular darts games like 501 and Cricket, along with some essential tips and techniques that will elevate your scoring accuracy.

Why is Accurate Scoring Important?

Accurate scoring is the backbone of a fair and enjoyable darts game. Inaccurate scoring can lead to disputes and can tarnish the spirit of the game. Therefore, understanding the ins and outs of scoring is crucial for anyone serious about the sport.

Common Dartboard Layout and Segments

Before diving into the scoring specifics, it’s crucial to understand the dartboard layout:

  • Singles: These are the large areas of each numbered segment.
  • Doubles: These are the thin outer rings.
  • Triples: These are the thin inner rings.
  • Bullseye: The innermost circle is the “double bull,” and the surrounding circle is the “single bull.”

Scoring in Popular Darts Games

Here’s a rundown of scoring in two popular darts games:

501 Scoring

  1. Each player starts with 501 points.
  2. Points scored in each turn are subtracted from the remaining points.
  3. The objective is to reach zero by finishing on a double.

Cricket Scoring

  1. Players aim to “open” and “close” numbers 15-20 and the bullseye.
  2. Three hits in each segment are required to close it.
  3. Points are scored when a number is open for you but closed for the opponent.

Essential Tips for Accurate Scoring

To improve your scoring accuracy, consider the following tips:

  1. Be Consistent: Try to hit the same area repeatedly to accumulate points more quickly.
  2. Know the Key Areas: Focus on high-scoring segments like the triple 20 in games like 501.
  3. Use Scoring Apps: Utilize scoring applications to keep track of the game and reduce errors.
  4. Double-Check: Always double-check your calculations to ensure they are accurate.


Scoring in darts is an essential skill that every player should master. By understanding the different game formats and their respective scoring rules, along with incorporating the tips provided, you’ll be on your way to becoming a more competent and respected darts player. Happy throwing!

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