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What is 2 bullseyes in darts called?

Every sport has its unique terminology, and darts is no exception. When it comes to scoring, darts enthusiasts often use various terms and phrases to describe different achievements. So, what is 2 bullseyes in darts called? In this blog post, we will unveil the term for this impressive feat and provide some context on the significance of bullseyes in the game of darts.

The bullseye: A high-value target

The bullseye, located at the center of the dartboard, is one of the most sought-after targets in the game. It consists of two concentric circles: the outer bull, which scores 25 points, and the inner bull, which scores 50 points. Hitting the inner bullseye is a challenging task that requires precision and accuracy, making it a highly valued accomplishment.

Two bullseyes: The “Double Bull” or “Ton 50”

When a player hits two inner bullseyes in a row, this feat is commonly referred to as a “Double Bull” or “Ton 50.” The term “Double Bull” emphasizes the impressive nature of hitting two consecutive 50-point targets, while “Ton 50” derives from the total score of 100 points achieved by landing both darts in the inner bullseye.

The significance of a Double Bull or Ton 50

Achieving a Double Bull or Ton 50 is an impressive accomplishment that showcases a player’s skill and precision. In many competitive matches, hitting a double bull can provide a significant advantage and potentially swing the game in a player’s favor. Although not as highly regarded as a maximum score of 180, which involves hitting three consecutive triple 20s, a Ton 50 is still a noteworthy achievement that can boost a player’s confidence and overall performance.


In the world of darts, hitting two bullseyes in a row is called a “Double Bull” or “Ton 50.” This remarkable feat demonstrates a player’s accuracy and skill, and can significantly impact the outcome of a match. As you continue to hone your darts skills, remember to aim for those high-value targets, and celebrate your achievements along the way!

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