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The Infamous 26 Points in Darts and How to Avoid It

The game of darts is one of skill, strategy, and sometimes, frustrating quirks that make it both endearing and challenging. One such quirk is the notorious score of 26 points. If you’ve spent some time around the oche, you’ve probably heard groans following a score of 26. But what’s the fuss all about? Let’s delve into why 26 points in darts is noteworthy and how you can steer clear of it.

The Reputation of Scoring 26 Points

In darts, a score of 26 is often viewed with a bit of disdain because it usually means that a player has narrowly missed hitting big scores on the 20 segment. Typically, a score of 26 comes from hitting a single 20 and two single 3s on either side. While 26 points might not seem like a low score, it indicates a lack of precision, as the darts have strayed from the high-scoring 20 area.

Common Ways to Score 26 Points

Here are the usual combinations that result in scoring 26 points:

  1. Single 20, Single 3, Single 3: As mentioned earlier, this is the most common way players end up with 26 points.
  2. Single 18, Single 4, Single 4: Another way to land on this infamous score, this time straying around the 18 segment.
  3. Double 13: A less common but still possible way to score 26 is hitting a double 13.

Tips to Avoid Scoring 26 Points

If you find yourself consistently scoring 26, here are some tips to improve:

  1. Adjust Your Aim: If you’re consistently hitting 3s while aiming for 20s, consider adjusting your sightline or throwing angle.
  2. Practice, Practice, Practice: As with any sport, the more you practice, the better you’ll get. Drills focusing on the 20 segment can be beneficial.
  3. Stay Calm: Often, nerves can affect your throw. Take a deep breath before each throw to help maintain focus and steady your hand.
  4. Check Your Darts: Sometimes the equipment can be a factor. Make sure your darts are in good condition and suitable for your throwing style.


While scoring 26 points in darts is hardly the end of the world, it has gained notoriety for a reason. It often signifies missed opportunities for higher scores and can be frustrating for players aiming to improve their game. By recognizing why 26 is a commonly lamented score and employing strategies to avoid it, you can elevate your darts skills to the next level. Keep practicing, and may your darts find their mark!

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