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Where to Aim in Darts for Beginners: Building Accuracy

Starting your journey in the game of darts can be both exciting and overwhelming. As a beginner, one of the most common questions is where to aim on the dartboard to maximize your chances of success. In this blog post, we will discuss the best areas for beginners to target, tips for developing accuracy and consistency, and strategies to build a solid foundation in darts.

The 20 Segment: Your New Best Friend

For beginners, the most straightforward and effective place to aim is the 20 segment. The reasoning behind this is simple: the 20 segment offers the highest single-point value on the board. By consistently aiming for this area, you can maximize your potential scores and improve your overall game. Additionally, focusing on a single target area helps you develop accuracy and consistency more quickly.

Triple 20: The High-Value Target

As you become more comfortable with aiming at the 20 segment, you can start to refine your focus towards the triple 20. This is the highest-scoring area on the dartboard, offering 60 points per dart. By practicing your aim on the triple 20, you’ll not only improve your accuracy but also increase your scoring potential exponentially.

Other Key Areas to Consider

While the 20 segment and triple 20 are the primary targets for beginners, it’s also essential to develop proficiency in other key areas of the dartboard. Some of these include:

  1. Double and Triple 19: The second-highest scoring areas, useful for diversifying your strategy.
  2. Bullseye and Outer Bull: Developing accuracy for these central targets can improve your overall control and precision.
  3. Doubles and Triples: As you progress in darts, mastering doubles and triples becomes increasingly important for successful finishes.

Practice Tips and Strategies for Beginners

Developing your skills in darts requires consistent practice and a focus on the fundamentals. Here are some tips and strategies to help you improve as a beginner:

1. Develop a Consistent Throwing Technique

Work on your stance, grip, and release to create a reliable and repeatable throwing motion. This will serve as the foundation for your accuracy and consistency.

2. Set Achievable Goals

Begin by setting small, attainable goals for your practice sessions. This could include hitting the 20 segment a specific number of times, or aiming for a certain score within a set number of throws.

3. Practice Regularly

Consistency is key in darts. Set aside dedicated practice time each week, and focus on gradual improvement over time.

4. Learn from Others

Seek advice from more experienced players or watch professional matches to gain insights into successful techniques and strategies.


As a beginner in darts, focusing on the 20 segment and triple 20 is the best starting point for building accuracy and consistency. By practicing these targets regularly, setting achievable goals, and developing a solid throwing technique, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a skilled darts player.

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