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Unraveling the Mystery: Why Dart Players Aim for 19

If you’ve ever watched professional darts or played the game yourself, you might have noticed that experienced players often aim for the 19 segment on the dartboard. But why is this the case? In this blog post, we’ll unravel the strategic choice behind targeting 19 and explain how incorporating this tactic into your game can improve your overall performance.

Scoring in Darts: A Quick Refresher

Before diving into the rationale for aiming at 19, let’s briefly review how scoring works in darts. In most games, the objective is to score the highest number of points, with the outer ring of each segment awarding double points and the inner ring providing triple points. The highest possible score with a single dart is 60, achieved by hitting the triple 20 segment.

The Strategy Behind Aiming for 19

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s explore the reasons why dart players aim for 19:

  1. High-scoring potential: The 19 segment is the second-highest scoring single segment on the dartboard. Aiming for the triple 19 can yield 57 points, which is an impressive score with just one dart.
  2. Greater margin for error: When aiming for 19, a missed dart is more likely to land in another high-scoring segment, such as 7 or 3, compared to targeting 20, where a miss could result in a low score of 1 or 5.
  3. Combination shots: In certain situations, such as attempting to finish a game of 501, aiming for 19 may be part of a combination shot that sets up a subsequent double or triple for the win.
  4. Player preference: Some players may find it more comfortable or natural to aim at the lower part of the board. Aiming for 19 allows them to maintain a high-scoring potential while staying within their comfort zone.

When to Implement the 19 Strategy

While aiming for 19 can be a smart strategic choice, it’s essential to know when to use this tactic:

  • During high-pressure situations: When nerves are running high, the larger margin for error provided by aiming for 19 can help maintain a high score, even if your accuracy falters slightly.
  • When playing combination shots: If you need a specific score to set up a winning shot, aiming for 19 may be a part of your plan.
  • When the triple 20 is blocked: If your first dart lands in the triple 20 segment but partially obstructs the area, switching to 19 might be a safer and more strategic choice.


Aiming for 19 in darts is a strategic choice that can help players maintain high scores and improve their overall game performance. By understanding the rationale behind this tactic and implementing it at the right moments, you’ll be well on your way to enhancing your skills and becoming a more versatile dart player. Remember, success in darts relies on a combination of strategy, technique, and adaptability, so don’t be afraid to experiment with different approaches to find what works best for you. Keep practicing, and watch your scores soar as you incorporate the 19 strategy into your game!

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